summer speaking

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Baptist Camp Judson...Black Hills South Dakota

It's summer time, and the ESBS staff are all off resting, support raising and working.  Julia and I just got back from a great week at the beach, and now I'm sitting in the Asheville airport ready to take off to South Dakota for a week of speaking at a summer camp.  Camp Judson, in the black hills SD, is a baptist camp that brings kids from baptist youth groups from all over the state together for a week of fun and seeking God together.  I'm speaking for their high school camp, 11 talks in 7 days plus a whole lot of intentional hanging out in between.

Pray for good ministry time, and rest along the way.  Even though I've been speaking at camps and retreat for the better part of a decade now, I still battle huge nerves at the outset.  I do maintain that it would be easier to speak to zombies than teenagers sometimes.

Funny applicable Bible verse...what God told Ezekiel as he was called to speak to Israel:

" don't be afraid of their words, and don't be dismayed at their looks...." (Ezekiel 2:6)...anyone who has ever gotten "the look" from their teenage kid should memorize this one...:)
