Mary Austin and Chance Faulkner (ESBS students 2011-12)
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It always blesses me to hear good things from former students.  It's especially encouraging to see them actively engaged in promoting healthy community back home.  This morning I got to chat with Mary Austin Faulkner, a former ESBS student now living with her husband Chance (also a former ESBS student), in Peterborough Ontario.  She filled me in on a 2-hour Old Testament Overview she recently led for some friends from her church.  Here's what she had to say:

 "My purpose was to address some common confusions about the Old Testament; confusions that I certainly had myself before studying at ESBS. 

Ultimately I tried to help the girls have a better framework for understanding the Old Testament and where Jesus fits in to that history, and therefore how relevant it still is to us today! Afterwards I got some encouraging feedback from the girls, saying that I helped them understand certain concepts that they had always wondered about but had never had fully explained to them, like the covenants, the law, what happened to Israel and Judah during the books of Kings, and where the prophets fit into the story. 

Personally, I just felt VERY blessed while preparing and leading the overview, by really seeing all that God taught me last year at school and seeing that he is being faithful to use me for his kingdom here in my new town and new country! 

I feel amazingly blessed every day when I see what God is working in me through last year at school (not to mention meeting my husband and all that, although that's pretty awesome, too!) and I see it in Chance and Rylan too, how our studies and time at school really changed us for the better and how God continues to change us and use us and grow us from the foundation that we received at school.

You guys are doing an amazing thing by being there, it is God's work and I am so thankful that you are there! We think about you guys and pray for you often."

"You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well." (2 Timothy 2:2)