Alumni Spotlight: Bre Dobbins


Bre, We are so excited to finally be catching up with you. Where are you now and what are you up to?

I live in Hendersonville, NC, and I’m in full-time nursing school, working as a CNA and working part-time as the Girls Ministry Director at my church.  I've been doing that for about 3 years now and I love it. If I wasn't absolutely sure God has called me to be a nurse I would be working full time in ministry. I do hope to combine the two once I get my degree and do a long-term mission trip through nursing. I love my students, and ESBS (Emmaus School of Biblical Studies) helped me so much to be able to teach the Bible better and prepare my talks in an inductive method rather than just going straight to application.


A moment where it all "clicked"?

During our first book, Philemon I realized that I made the right decision to give up so much to come to Emmaus and that I was going to learn and grow a lot in the next year!


How are you still using what you learned at Emmaus?

Before Emmaus, I had never really studied the Old Testament. I knew the typical Bible stories, but I didn't think they were all that important, but man was I wrong. It all points to Jesus, and it's all so interesting and applicable, so I use what I learned every single week with my youth group. Whether it's diving into a passage, sharing the cool history and background of the Bible, teaching them how to color code, or teaching them how every chapter can have an impact on them, I use it every week!

I also use conflict resolution, leadership skills, and fun stories that show the application of certain passages. I talk about ESBS all the time in my talks and how much that year meant to me and how much I learned.

What sticks out to you the most 3+ years later?

The community we built. I learned so much from living in a small community and we still keep in touch to this day. I have Emmaus to thank for that!  I didn't think it would be that hard to live with some amazing people at my favorite place on earth (Camp Lurecrest will always be my second home). But I learned so much from living in such a small community and with the other students and teachers. We still keep in touch to this day. It's crazy how something that's so tough but so rewarding really allows you to meet those life-long friends who are literally all across the States now.

How did Emmaus affect your relationship with God?

It deepened my trust in Him. I thought I could do it all on my own and be Super Woman. Without Emmaus, I never would've seen how much I needed Him. I was arrogant, and I didn't even know it. I learned so much about the Bible that I didn't know. I still use the inductive method when I'm reading a book and I try not to jump straight to application.


What is your best memory from the school? 

Any memory with my roommate, Abigail Wurst. We still talk almost daily and she is one of my best friends now. Also taking our Numbers retreat at the beach and my team winning at Jeopardy :)

There are so many fun memories we had - watching movies, making our award-winning apple spice cupcakes, painting nails, talking about Bill (our honorary cat who we allowed to stay at Camp). I do remember one evening craving Mexican food so I texted the students and staff who were on campus and found 3 others who were willing to drive an hour just so I could get food from one of my favorite places. Driving those winding roads and just encouraging each other and laughing, makes me smile.

Favorite book during your SBS? 

I loved 2 Timothy and 2 Corinthians. 2 Timothy really made me think about my life and what impact I wanted to leave behind. 2 Corinthians really humbled me and allowed me to see that it was not myself that was holding me up but God.

Thank you Bre Dobbins for sharing how your time at Emmaus changed your life and is helping you daily now! If you would like to learn more about the school that Bre attended, you can click here to learn more.