Meet the Staff: Jacob McRae
Jacob McRae with his wife Sam McRae
One of the first things people tend to notice about Jacob McRae is his amazing beard! One of the next things that people will notice is his genuine heart for people and for helping them see the Gospel through service. Jacob grew up in Virginia, after his DTS (Discipleship Training School) he moved to Homer Alaska where he meet his wife Samantha. Jacob and Samantha moved to Florida to be students at Emmaus’ School of Biblical Studies before coming on staff 2 years ago. Jacob is on the teaching team, manages student administration/admissions and oversees all of the meals and social gatherings at Emmaus.
What do you do around here?
My role here at Emmaus includes a variety of jobs. Most of my time is spent as a part of our teaching staff. This means that I spend the majority of my weeks studying and preparing to teach books of the Bible for our students, grading, and meeting with students for discipleship one-on-ones. Secondly, I'm in charge of handling admissions for Emmaus, which means processing applications, connecting with potential students, and helping them to prepare for their time here. Finally, my wife and I team up in order to prepare a delicious breakfast for our students every day before class.
What is your favorite part of your Job?
As most of our staff would probably agree, one of the most rewarding aspects of this job is getting to see the Scriptures come alive for our students, it's an incredibly powerful experience! But, being a new, self-proclaimed Bible nerd, I immensely enjoy preparing to teach books. Nothing helps you understand book like preparing to teach it and I’ve very much enjoyed the aspect of getting to really dig deep into the texts. I've definitely come to learn a lot during my time as staff, and it's even more fun to do so in a whole community of other Bible nerds!
When did you know God was calling you to be a part of Emmaus?
When I was a student at Emmaus, I once accompanied our Director to a men's Bible study that he was teaching that morning. At that time, I still had plans to pursue other passions of mine (in this case woodworking). But I remember sitting in that Bible study and listening to our Director speak about the Bible with such ease and understanding and he did so in such a relevant way that clearly impacted the men at that Bible study. It was in that moment that I found myself thinking, "I want to know my Bible like this guy more than I want anything else!" From then on, the passion to help others know their Bible in a deep and intimate way has continued to grow in me day by day.
Which Bible Character would you want to get coffee with?
First answer would probably be the author of Hebrews....I just want to know who that person is...I mean come on, just sign the letter! My second answer would probably be Daniel. Through the process of teaching for the school, Daniel has become my absolute favorite book of the Bible. Daniel is someone who faced innumerable trials and gut-wrenching situations and still proved to be one of the few Old Testament characters that continually served as a model of righteousness and faithfulness throughout his life. I want to know that guy!
What was your favorite Christian Song to Jam out to growing up?
As any decent 90's youth group kid should answer, my go-to's were anything by Relient K, Five Iron Frenzy, and the O.C. Supertones.
Why Emmaus?
Growing up in an incredibly loving, Christian household/church, I lived my life with the constant notion that my Bible was supposed to mean something to me, but the truth was that it just didn’t! Regardless of how many times I vowed to read through the Bible in a year, I often fell off the wagon somewhere in Exodus. Here was a book that was supposed to lead and define my faith and yet I didn’t know how to read it and found it incredibly intimidating! This shook me to my core, and it sent my wife and I on a path towards Emmaus. After I embarked on my own “Emmaus Road journey,” to encounter God through His Word, I truly did feel my own heart burn within me (Luke 24:32). My wife and I suddenly found strong purpose in the mission of Emmaus Ministries, to help equip others with the Word of God. I want every believer to understand that knowing the Bible in a deep and intimate way is a goal very much within reach, and that it’s never too late to start your own Emmaus Road journey!
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