Merry Christmas from Emmaus- A year in Reflection
Merry Christmas everyone! It is absolutely unbelievable to think that we are just days away from another Christmas and only a few weeks away from a brand new decade! We hope that everyone is preparing for a holiday filled with family, food, and traditions that warm the heart with love and memories. Before 2019 comes to an end, we wanted to take some time to update everyone on the life of Emmaus.
The Biblical Narrative Series completely exceeded everyone’s wildest expectations this fall. The staff came together and prayed to have 25 people in attendance for 7 Monday nights. We all thought that 25 people committing that kind of time to exploring their Bible would be such an exceptional experience. God blew our minds with 80 attendees from 11 different churches and 6 different denominations! We are nearly sold out for the upcoming session of the New Testament Narrative Series that will be beginning this spring. The life that has been breathed into this program has given the staff high hopes for its continued growth in the future!
Our students in the School of Biblical Studies have journeyed through nearly the entire Old Testament. They headed into Winter Break this week with just one more unit to finish before they get to collide with Jesus and his disciples in the Gospels! It has been a wonderful semester building relationships with one another. There have been many laughs and just about as many tears as God’s word works its way from pages in a book to treasures in the student’s hearts.
Our newest staff members Kristi Marsh and Morgan Phaneuf have officially completed their first full year with Emmaus, and are constantly demonstrating how much of a gift they both are to this community! Both now have several book lectures under their belts and many hours spent in all the things that Emmaus has to offer. The staff grows beyond coworkers, beyond friends and into a family as we work together to fulfill the mission of Emmaus. We are so glad that Kristi and Morgan are a part of this family!
Kristi Marsh Teaching
Morgan Phaneuf Teaching
Speaking of family, the Emmaus team is losing an entire family, but it’s for an incredible reason. Lizzie Rogers, who has been a part of our teaching and support staff, will be leaving for God’s new adventure in her life this week. Lizzie’s husband, Trey--who is also an Emmaus alumni, a former staff member, and a current board member--has been called to be the lead pastor of a church in Lexington, Kentucky.
2019 has been one of the most exciting years in the history of Emmaus, and we are so excited as we look forward to everything that God has for us in 2020! In your end-of-year giving, please consider an investment into the staff of Emmaus. If you are already a partner with the staff of Emmaus, THANK YOU! If not, would you please consider making a one-time or ongoing investment in the lives of our staff as we continue to serve in the mission to equip all people to engage their Bibles and be transformed by Jesus!