Emmaus Ministries

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Luke Wilsie Phillips

the pensive thinker face...just like Dad.
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Last Saturday Julia and I welcomed a new baby boy into our family.  Luke Wilsie Phillips, 7 lbs 4 oz.  After pulling an all niter at the hospital with our daughter Anna, Julia and I were determined to get to the hospital as late as possible with Luke.  When Julia started pushing we got in the car...We got to the hospital at 5:50 pm and Luke was born at 6:40...oops.

He's healthy and strong, and seems to have gotten the memo about sleeping at night and being awake during the day (yeah!)...

I think he's probably allergic to Myrrh, so just send gold and frankincense (UPS is totally unreliable with precious metals, better bring it in person)...the wise men are leaving on Sunday, once they clear out the basement is open for anyone who wants to come visit....:)