Welcome Support Staff: Jeninne Van Sickle

God is growing Emmaus Ministries. After many requests for a 2nd year to our Bible school, this fall we created two new ways for students to continue studying with Emmaus. Emmaus Alumni can now apply as a second-year student OR as support staff for our Bible school. The support staff role is designed to allow students to continue studying all 66 books and use the gifts and talents of our alumni to serve different aspects of the ministry. This year we are honored to announce three new support staff: Jen Welch, Sarah Phaenuef, and Jennine Van Sickle.

Jeninne was a graduate last year. Join us in welcoming her by reading about her journey to continue at Emmaus.

Jeninne Van Sickle

“After being out of school for 30 years, I went to Emmaus hoping that I’d be able to keep up and finish the school year. My history of being a student wasn’t a strong one, but I knew the Lord was calling me to study the Scriptures at this school. To my surprise, I found myself excited for class each and every day. The staff truly had a heart to help me be the best student I could be. The Scripture was coming to life and stepping on my toes all at the same time in the best ways. As the year went on, I found myself looking at the calendar and thinking “I don’t want this to end.” From the beginning of the year, it was clear how well the staff loved each other and worked well together with a common goal and mission. At the end of the year, we were presented with the option of applying for a 2nd-year support staff role. I wish I could say I felt the same strong calling as I did the first year, but I did not.

However, it was a very easy decision for me. I know there is so much for me to learn. Any
opportunity to sit under the teachings of the staff and work alongside them was honestly a “no brainer.” I was extremely excited to find out that there was an opening for hospitality, which is where I had worked in the past. That made it an even easier decision.

Being able to serve alongside the most amazing staff, listen to the lectures again and dive deep again into the Word sounds so exciting, and making breakfast for the incoming students feels like a faithful use of my time and talents. I am so honored to be transformed by the word of the Lord. I wasn’t sure I’d even finish my first year and now I find myself looking forward to year TWO at Emmaus.”

Thank you for helping us celebrate and welcome our new staff. If you would like to learn more about our School of Biblical Studies, click here.

Stephen Ray