Joshua - The great leader and disciple

Joshua was around 90 years old when he became the leader of Israel. There are numerous examples of Joshua as a faithful, competent, intelligent, humble leader but Joshua was a great leader because he was first a great disciple. He watched Moses lead for 40 years. He was Moses' "right hand man." The significance of his years standing by Moses is shown through how he leads when he takes over.

He was a faithful spiritual leader, making sure the people celebrated the Passover and were circumcised (Joshua 5). He was a successful military leader bringing victory at Jericho, Ai, and against the southern and northern coalitions. He understood that God was the real victor and leader; he was just the spokesman and guide.

 Joshua sent out spies, just as Moses had done (Numbers 13, Joshua 2). He followed the Lord's instructions and crossed an uncross-able body of water, just as Moses had done (Exodus 13:17-15:21, Joshua 3-4). He built an altar of remembrance to mark God’s provision (Joshua 8:30-35) just as he had seen Moses do (Exodus 24:3-18). The list goes on and on to show that Joshua led in the way that he did because he was discipled by a leader that taught him how. Joshua followed Yahweh, but he knew how to lead others because he learned from Moses.

This pattern of spiritual development is one of the timeless principles we see through Joshua’s life. Disciples are shaped by others who are disciples of God! People are formed through right relationships and right experiences as they have wisdom imparted to them by those that know it and have lived it. 

Want to learn more? Check out this Bible Project Video -

Kristi Marsh