Emmaus Ministries

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Merry Christmas from Emmaus!

Friends and Partners,

Merry Christmas from our family to yours as we celebrate the “good news of great joy” that has come for all of us in the God who put on flesh and dwelt among us. We just concluded the Old Testament and it was such a great time to enter this season of Advent, as we celebrate the longing satisfied in the birth of Jesus and also the hope anchored in His future coming to restore all things.

There is also something about the end of the year that causes us to reflect on the year that is coming to a close, and here at Emmaus, it’s amazing to think about all that has changed:

  • Caleb became the new Executive Director

  • Jacob, Samantha, Stephen and Lizzie staffed their first Emmaus School

  • The redesigned School of Biblical Studies welcomed it’s first class

  • We launched our brand new Biblical Narrative Series

  • Jacob & Samantha added baby Benaiah to the community!

  • Trey & Lizzie welcomed little Teddy to their family and ours!

  • Stephen got engaged to the amazing Lauren! (wedding in January)

And now as we head into 2019, we have the VERY EXCITING addition of Kristi Marsh to our staff in January! Kristi is bringing a gift of teaching, a rich background of theological education, and a passion for engaging the Church in Biblical training. We can’t wait for her arrival! Check out her bio on our Staff page.

Honestly, even while I write this, it feels a little overwhelming to take it all in! What an incredible year marked by change, by challenge, by hope, and most of all, by the faithfulness of Immanuel, the God who is always and forever WITH us.

As we conclude 2018, we wanted to say thank you to all of those who have been a part of the story of Emmaus over the years. Thank you for your prayers and your partnership as, year after year, the experience of the Emmaus road happens in the lives of followers of our wonderful Jesus:

“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

We sat down with a few of our students so they could share with you some their discoveries along their Emmaus road so far this year

As you can see, God continues to do incredible things in the hearts of people as they come face to face with the character of God and the beauty of the Gospel within the pages of the Scriptures. This wouldn’t be possible without our sacrificial, faithful team of missionaries. If you are one of their donors, THANK YOU! Your investment is discipling students, teaching book after book of the Scriptures, and impacting countless Christ-followers in local churches through the creation and implementation of new programs!

As we come to the end of the year, consider investing in the mission of Emmaus as we seek to equip the body of Christ with the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Two tangible ways to do this:

We currently have a goal of $5000 in general fund contributions to utilize in the program creation, operation, and marketing

All of our staff are ongoing in their support-raising. Consider investing in one of them as a one-time gift or a 2019 partnership.

Thank you again, for being a part of the story of Emmaus. A story of lives revolutionized by the power of the Gospel…past, present, and future. We pray you that in this season, you enjoy the presence of Immanuel, The God who is always with us.

Merry Christmas,

The Emmaus Team