Emmaus Ministries

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Join us in PRAYER!

So, I've been a full-time Bible teacher for 9 years, and admittedly I still function some days like an atheist when it comes to prayer.  I can tell you all the Bible passages about prayer, its effectiveness, and the priority it should have in our life, however when it comes time to do it...I'd rather sit on Facebook.

Where's God in that?  Nowhere...like I said...functional atheism...

So, I'm challenged for a change to act like I actually do have a God who hears prayers, and a
God who's totally geeked out with a tangible expression of ruthless trust and irrational dependence...aka serious prayer.

Most of you know that after nine years at our current property the ESBS is leaving Camp Lurecrest, but only God knows where it's going.  For a year now my everyday life has been consumed with planning for moving the school.  In the past year we've started a new non-profit, totally re-organized how we administer the school, and how we function as a staff.  We've spent hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars and lots of road miles meeting with all kinds of property owners and non-profits, hoping to identify a new location for the ESBS.  We've gotten a lot done, but in my heart I can't say that I'm a whole lot better at trusting God with what still remains uncertain.

For a leader, uncertainty about the future is hard to admit.  It sounds like poor planning.  It makes me think things like: "Oh don't admit that, because some potential student may read it and decide "oh man I shouldn't sign up for that program, because it sounds a little tenuous."  Well, my response to that thought is "when you say yes to Jesus, you say yes to something that goes way beyond tenuous.   You say yes to the biggest, scariest, most gloriously uncomfortable adventure possible, where the only guaranteed certainty is the eternal love of Christ.  You say yes to unmet expectations, unforeseen suffering, and unlikely joys.  You say yes to peace, but not certainty."

So with that, I admit that the future still remains a little uncertain.  We really don't yet know where the ESBS will be next fall.  We have some strong ideas, and we're in some really exciting dialogues, but we're not home yet.

We need God to lead the way to our new home.  We need God to make His way known.  We need to hear and obey.

We need your prayers!

So we've committed as an ESBS community to prayer over this Christmas break.  We're committing to asking God to show us clearly the way forward, and to give us renewed faith to continue on the journey.

We're asking you to PARTNER WITH THIS PROCESS!!  If you could, we'd love for you to set aside a few minutes a day asking God to lead and direct the ESBS to it's new location.

As a community, lets spend some time telling God we believe that he's still in the business of miracle making,  and that we want to see it happen with the ESBS!