Emmaus Ministries

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Welcome Support Staff: Sarah Phaneuf

God is growing Emmaus Ministries. After many requests for a 2nd year to our Bible school, we created two new ways for students to continue studying with Emmaus. Alumni can now apply as a second-year student or as support staff for our Bible school. The support staff role is designed to allow students to continue studying all 66 books and use the gifts and talents of our alumni to serve different aspects of the ministry. This year we are honored to announce three new support staff: Jen Welch, Sarah Phaneuf, and Jennine Van Sickle. 

Sarah was a graduate in 2022. Join us in welcoming her by reading about her journey to continue at Emmaus.

Sarah Phaneuf

“About halfway through my student year at Emmaus, I started feeling a tug to not leave. I chalked it up to knowing the next semester was going to look different with a newborn, and I thought I wanted to be able to stay fully engaged. But after finding my new groove, the tug didn’t go away - it grew stronger and stronger.

For me, Emmaus sparked a love for God’s Word that I never had before. Before my student year, I didn’t believe I could understand the Bible. I didn’t believe I would ever be able to read it in its entirety. And I didn’t believe it related to me very much. However, studying at Emmaus gave me the confidence to engage and apply the Word, not only in the classroom community, but in the silence of my own home.

I am living proof of Emmaus’ mission of “Know your Bible, Change your Life.” When I was thinking about what I would do after graduation, I couldn’t see an option that didn’t involve helping others experience God and His Word the way I got to this past year. Towards the end of the school year, students are tasked with teaching a book of the Bible and to pick an audience/setting they may teach to in the future. I desperately wanted to avoid an Emmaus style teaching because I didn’t want to accept that I MIGHT ever join the teaching staff. However, it was in preparing that lecture that I truly felt God gently calling me to join the teaching staff. So here I am! I am very much looking forward to humbly walking beside each new student on their Emmaus journey and continuously learning through teaching.”

Thank you for helping us celebrate and welcome our new staff. If you would like to learn more about our School of Biblical Studies, click here.