Emmaus Ministries

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Meet the Staff: Kristi Marsh

Kristi Marsh is one of our newest members to the Emmaus staff! Recently Kristi was teaching the Bible at a high school in Tennessee. She left her full time job to become a missionary on our teaching team. Kristi loves teaching about theology and engaging with students one on one. She’s passionate about discipleship and community which means the perfect fit for our staff. What she’s not passionate about, is the summer Florida weather! Let’s take some time to get to know Kristi!

What do you do around here?

As with most ministries we all wear a lot of different hats. I joined the staff in January and I teach in the school and get to disciple students one-on-one. I will be helping to organize some of our community events and facilitating opportunities for students to get to know each other and the staff. I also get to network with different churches and pastors regarding our Narrative Series and Seminars. I will soon start teaching Seminars and will also be a part of our ongoing development of the Seminars. It's an honor for me to spend my week studying and teaching Scripture and connecting with so many people.

What is your favorite part of your Job?

It's hard to say since I really enjoy all of the aspects of my job. I love studying the Word to teach it to others and getting to watch the Scripture come alive for people. I also really love getting to walk alongside of people and disciple them, but I think the most unique part of this job is the privilege of spending every day working and doing life with people who are passionate about God. The authentic spiritual community at Emmaus has been a huge blessing.

When did you know God was calling you to be a part of Emmaus?

I had been praying about leaving education and after taking a Strategic Futuring class last March God made it pretty clear that Emmaus was the next step. The final project of the class was to write a very detailed paper of where we wanted to be in 15 years. It was a very specific assignment and when I called Caleb (my long time friend and Director at Emmaus) he described almost everything I had written in that paper! I had initially been resistant to moving to Florida (it's too hot and too far from home) and becoming a missionary but within 24 hours God completely changed my heart and I made the decision to join the team. It was definitely the right decision.

Which Bible Character would you want to get coffee with?

That's hard, I don't like having to make this choice. I recently saw a drama that showed Peter as a young man and followed him until he was martyred. It was really powerful and connected me to Peter in a new way so if I have to choose, then today, I will choose to get coffee with Peter. Tomorrow I will choose Paul.

What was your favorite Christian Song to Jam out to growing up?

I was, and am, a big Shane and Shane fan. However, you don't really "jam out" to their worship music. So I guess I'll have to go with DC Talk.

Why Emmaus?

My passion is for people to know God and His Word and to grow and be transformed. I think that happens best in the context of consistent relationships and intentionally studying God's Word and applying it to your life. Emmaus is the full package for me. I believe that what we do, and how we do it, provides a space for the Holy Spirit to really transform people. Only the Holy Spirit can change hearts but I think Emmaus creates a meaningful and unique opportunity for the Holy Spirit to do a deep and enduring work. It is a special season of life where someone comes to devote themselves to God and the study of Scripture, and not only are they discipled and equipped with tools for a lifetime but their lives are usually changed in the process. I wish everyone could spend a year of their life at Emmaus.

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