Emmaus Ministries

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What's new at the ESBS!

Hey Everyone,
We hope you're having a great week!
It's that time of year again here in Lake Lure as the leaves have fallen, and each day it's getting a little colder.

The school is still going strong and our students are doing an amazing job. Each week it's amazing to see how the Lord is speaking to them, and as staff we count it such a privilege to be a part of this amazing ministry!

Last week we had Kaari Speer from YWAM Asheville teach the book of James, and this week we have our very own Ellen Stark teaching 1 John.

Next week we have 2&3 John, and then we break for Thanksgiving!

I also wanted to take a minute and remind you about our student blog.
Each week our students take some time and blog about how the Lord is speaking to them through a particular book.
Here's a exert from one of our students Jordan as she writes about 1 Peter:

"Peter knew the deal. He suffered for Christ. He witnessed Jesus' betrayal and crucifixion. He saw the example that he would be called to live by. Jesus is our standard of living. If Jesus is our standard, what do we think our lives will look like? A life of ease and luxury? I'm sorry but the image of a Roman cross doesn't exactly scream ease and luxury to me. This is reality and I think Christians need to know what following Jesus is about."

If you'd like to read more check it out here:

Once again we want to thank each one of you for your continued prayer and support. It's so amazing to teach the word of God, and to see him move in our lives.
We hope you have a wondeful Thanksgiving!
God Bless,
Trey Rogers

Emmaus School of Biblical Studies