Emmaus Ministries

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2 Corinthians

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This week we're studying 2 Corinthians  There is so much to say about that book, its impact on the prosperous boom-town of Corinth, and the impact it can have on our western culture and world today.

Paul, in second Corinthians, goes after the Corinthian misconception that "success" in life and ministry can be measured in stuff:...in accomplishments, possessions, image...in externals.  His message is incredibly challenging to our performance oriented culture.  On the surface, Im quick to deny that I truly judge success in those terms, but if I look deeper it becomes clear that in some ways I do.  For me, the obvious clue pointing in that direction is how quickly I wonder where God is when the hard times hit.  In 2 Corinthians Paul over and over holds up his hardship as evidence of God's refining and mysterious presence in his life.  My default setting is to assume God's ABSENCE in those times, not his PRESENCE.

Anyway...great book, we're having fun studying it...listen along if you want...the podcasts should be up next week on our website (last years series on 2 Cor is up now..)

FYI...thanks for praying for James Pitts last week.  After 5 days of a high fever he was diagnosed with strep throat, given antibiotics, and has since recovered perfectly.