Emmaus Ministries

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Exciting things happening!

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There's so much happening right now that it's hard to comment on it all.  I'm so pleased with where we are as a school.  The students are doing so well.  Last week we took the students to the smokies for a fall hike (picture above).  The colors were amazing.  Here are just a few of the things of interest happening now:

1)  Nathanael and Abigail Weigel have received the financial support they needed to remain here through Christmas.  Thank you for praying and giving!  Let's continue to pray that God would meet their remaining tuition needs.

2)  Julia has taken over the task of managing the foodservice for the school.  The ESBS staff/students plan and prep all of the meals we eat together.  Julia is now managing that effort.  It's a huge undertaking and she's doing an amazing job!

2)  We're collaborating with other SBS locations to post free podcast lectures for every book of the Bible.  www.thesbspodcast.com  We're not even finished with the project and already the demand for the material is UNBELIEVABLE.  Just this week there have been close to 5000 downloads from the site, over 22, 000 so far this month, and 282,000 since we began last year!  Amazing!

3)  Now for the really exciting news...Julia's pregnant!  Julia and Tom will have their second child in May of next year.